We will look after you

Trent Refrigeration offers a wide range of After Sales services.

When installation is complete you are not on your own.

Trent has a 24 hour back up service to ensure your Refrigeration is maintained to the standard it was manufactured to.

Whether your refrigeration was manufactured or installed by us or not we will ‘look after you’ and your Kitchen needs.

This includes Stainless Steel manufacture or on site repairs.

Just call Trent for help!

Quick Facts

  • You are not on your own, Trent Refrigeration have a 24/7 back up service for any of your Refrigeration needs.
  • Did you know most damage done to your door seals is when cleaning them incorrectly.
  • Using harsh chemicals on your door seals shortens the life of the seal.
  • Loose screws/doors should be tightened to prevent costly repairs later.
  • Trent Refrigeration offer Stainless Steel manufacturing and on site welding repairs to keep your kitchen in great shape.

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Trent Refrigeration